Friday 14th
Nuffield sports centre 10:30-11:30
Nuffield sports centre6:00-7:00
No class at Xercise4less
Sunday 16th
No classes
Monday 17th
Xercise4less 10:45-11:45
No back care classe
No class at the QDJC
From Tuesday 18th back to normal
Friday 14th
Nuffield sports centre 10:30-11:30
Nuffield sports centre6:00-7:00
No class at Xercise4less
Sunday 16th
No classes
Monday 17th
Xercise4less 10:45-11:45
No back care classe
No class at the QDJC
From Tuesday 18th back to normal
Tel: 07958 241 925
Paul is a British Wheel of Yoga teacher
and Registered Exercise Professional