"Back pain is the leading cause of long-term sickness in the UK, responsible for more than 15 million lost work days in 2013." NHS
Bad posture, stress and pulled muscles are the main causes and can lead to prolonged pain and time off work. Sometimes it could be something more serious, a slipped disk, Sciatica or Osteoarthritis which can mean a longer period of back pain.
The NHS recommends Yoga for back problems and a large study carried out by the University of York, funded by the Arthritis Research UK and run by the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) and the Iyengar Yoga Institute has proven how effective Yoga can be in helping people with bad backs.
I've used my knowledge of Yoga to develop a 6 week rolling course in conjunction with MB Massage Therapy to help.
This includes gentle movements with the breath, building suppleness in the body and spine to increase body awareness and improve posture. Building core strength, some sitting and standing posture alignment and some mild stretches, finishing with relaxation.
The price is £85 for six sessions
“Paul is a very considerate and patient teacher, who obviously cares for his pupils. I came to Paul a complete beginner with server back and shoulder problems. I am now able to move with ease and pain free and have realised how flexible I actually am thanks to Paul’s continued hard work.”
“Thank you for the first 6 week yoga block for bad backs at Clifton Road Chiropractic, Rugby. Having completed session 2 of 6 in the 2nd block I’m really feeling the benefits and looking forward to continuing further too, many Thanks again Paul.”